Tony Perkins’ Head Explodes After New York Marriage Vote

This entry is part 29 of 35 in the series Gay Marriage

I admit to being a little late on this one, but head of SPLC designated hate group Family Research council, Tony Perkins, is just all atwitter about marriage equality passing in New York State. Get this, he’s deeply concerned the law doesn’t “protect” deeply religious “divorce lawyers.” If, as Perkins and the other haters claim, they are just in this to “protect marriage,” why would there be any such thing as a “deeply religious divorce lawyer.” Wouldn’t their deeply held beliefs prohibit them enabling any divorce?

Here’s Ms. Perkins’ entire statement (I did exclude the obligatory solicitation for a contribution…you know, to save the children):

Ms Tony Perkins in her pulpit“[The law] does not protect individuals. It does not protect private business owners. It does not protect, for example, a bed and breakfast owner who is using their own private personal property in the type of intimate setting that a bed and breakfast is. It does not protect licensed professionals. For example, it does not protect counselors. It also does not protect lawyers–you may have a family law attorney who does not want to do a same-sex divorce because of their deeply held religious beliefs. It does not protect fertility doctors who may have a strict belief and only want to help [heterosexual] married couples because they believe a kid deserves both a mom and a dad. The dominos from this decision are just starting to fall. One newspaper is reporting that the New York Department of Correctional Services is already rewriting its rules for inmates’ ‘conjugal visits,’ which will now be open to homosexual ‘spouses.’ Prisons will provide the condoms!” – Hate group head Tony Perkins, via press release.

I left the following snark comment on another blog:

I couldn’t agree more with Ms. Perkins. I think we need to carve out religious exemptions to all these kinds of laws. I should have the absolute right to deny a room in my B&B to those darned Baptists, and Catholics…well there’s no way I should be required to let them eat at my lunch counter, no handicapped people in my pool, and black folks, well they can get a drink out of the water hose out back.  

I’m glad the FRC and Ms. Perkins are on my side on this one. You go girl! Let’s beat back all these equal rights laws and rules.  


Apparently, Ms Perkins is all upset because calling yourself a ‘Christian’ is not a get out of your legal obligations free card. And gay couples might get exactly the same legal rights and government recognition as “opposite-married” ones.  I think I’ve eaten yogurt that had a higher IQ.

The more America expands equal rights to all people, the crazier these haters get. It would be funny if they weren’t dangerously close to cracking in a serious way.

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