The Snowbillies Reprise

I was going to write about Ted Cruz, but lo’ and behold, the Palin family reappeared. Sarah Palin popped up and tossed up one of the biggest bowls of word salad ever in support of Donald Trump. This coming on the heels of her daughter being sued for child support and shared custody or a second out-of-wedlock child, and her son’s arrest on a range of charges related to firearms and domestic abuse. And, no surprise here, she blames most all of that on Obama.

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Why the Christian Church May Never Crawl Out of Its Hole

In the western world, churches, in particular Christian churches, are showing a general decline in attendance and membership. There’s much hand wringing within those denominations most affected; reports are being prepared, and great plans are being made to try to stem the tide, but I am not yet convinced the people in these organizations have the self-awareness to overcome the trend. The Facebook response to a recent article I posted in a conservative United Methodist discussion group really brought this home for me, and helped me congeal my thoughts on this subject.

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Firing God

That’s right, I said it. I’m firing God. He’s not doing a good job, and he’s not serving his creation very well. Of course, a lot of you all will accuse me of blasphemy and apostasy, but before you do, hear me out. I’m not firing THE God, I’m firing the guy that far too many people claim to “worship.” A god we’ve managed to make in our own image (generally speaking, a white male), who conveniently hates all the same people you do.

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