A landlord should be able to discriminate

According to David E. Smith of the Illinois Family Institute, an anti-gay group claiming to be concerned with protecting heterosexual-only marriage, “A landlord should be able to discriminate and say, Look, I don’t want to rent my apartment out or my condo out to anyone who doesn’t share my values.”

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Fauxto Op

Truly, it is hard to imagine anything more feckless than what the Ryan/Romney campaign pulled a day or two ago when they decided to make an unscheduled stop at an already closed soup kitchen. Paul Ryan and the family took time out from their busy campaign schedule to wash previously cleaned pots in an empty and closed soup kitchen. Of course, this little stunt did allow Paul Ryan to double his private sector work experience. It seems to be the perfect metaphor for the Romney/Ryan Campaign.

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Republican Fauxto Op

Truly, it is hard to imagine anything more feckless than what the Ryan/Romney campaign pulled a day or two ago when they decided to make an unscheduled stop at an already closed soup kitchen. Paul Ryan and the family took time out from their busy campaign schedule to wash previously cleaned pots in an empty and closed soup kitchen. Of course, this little stunt did allow Paul Ryan to double his private sector work experience. It seems to be the perfect metaphor for the Romney/Ryan Campaign.

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