Tony Perkins’ Head Explodes After New York Marriage Vote

I admit to being a little late on this one, but head of SPLC designated hate group Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, is just all atwitter about marriage equality passing in New York State. Get this, he’s deeply concerned the law doesn’t “protect” deeply religious “divorce lawyers.” If, as Perkins and the other haters claim, they are just in this to “protect marriage,” why would there be any such thing as a “deeply religious divorce lawyer.” Wouldn’t their deeply held beliefs prohibit them enabling any divorce?

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Because You Can’t Have Spousal Abuse Without a Spouse

The fine folks at Rescue Marriage, who faked out the American Family Association with their tongue-in-cheek campaign to ban divorce in California, have really stepped up their game with this ad. And the California Attorney General has titled the measure and certified it for signature gathering. It has been called the 2010 CALIFORNIA MARRIAGE PROTECTION ACT.

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Because You Can't Have Spousal Abuse Without a Spouse

The fine folks at Rescue Marriage, who faked out the American Family Association with their tongue-in-cheek campaign to ban divorce in California, have really stepped up their game with this ad. And the California Attorney General has titled the measure and certified it for signature gathering. It has been called the 2010 CALIFORNIA MARRIAGE PROTECTION ACT.

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