Whitest Beaches in The World?

This is a video posted on YouTube by Michael McLean. You start out seeing what’s been called the whitest beaches in the world, but ominously, in the background, you see the people in white jumpsuits and the crime scene tape. Indeed it is a crime scene as the videographer makes his way closer to the water line and you seen the puddles of oil and the black stained seaweed washed up.

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Beware of the Power of HypnObama-May Result in Educational Diligence

It is just astonishing to me the complete crap that has been stirred up over the President of the United States offering an address to school students at the beginning of the school year to encourage to stay in school and work hard. Really, does it get any more anti-American than that? Well, if you’re are a conservative Republican it doesn’t, but there really is logic to the Republicans taking the position they have.

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Crazy Is In The Air

This week, we had craziness at Walmart in Georgia, Michelle Bachmann coming through for us again, teabaggers berating a lady in a wheelchair at a health care town hall meeting, and Medicare recipient getting treatment for an injury he received while protesting government run health care. But we start with just a tiny bit of the foolishness being spewed over Obama speaking to school children about doing good in schools this year. What a sad place we’ve been brought to in this country by a small group of small-minded and easily manipulated people.

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The Day After – Gay Marriage

Well, it’s the day after the first full day that gay marriage was legal in California, and gosh darn it, the sun came up, birds still sang, children were born, people died, there were even some heterosexual marriages, and I still had to go to work. In other words, if God is mad about it, he sure missed that wrath thing by taking it out on the mid-west. This raises a lot of questions, such as what happens next in California, what does this mean to Florida’s Amendment 2 initiative (and see a possible connection), and what does it mean for gay people around the country.

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A Rambling Blog

I don’t get a ton of traffic on this site, and have always been disappointed with the lack of comments. I get a few, but I know I have opinionated friends, and would expect a little more from them. I suspect one of the reasons is that this blog is so far ranging in the topics I write about. I’ve read some good articles lately on blogging, and most say to narrow the focus of your blog. The people writing these articles do have very widely read blogs, so one must give them their props.

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Florida Amendment 2-The Great Debate Part III

In this post, we’ll review the moderated part of the debate between Nadine Smith of Fairness for All Families and John Stemberger of the Krazy Kristian Kooks or Florida. They were debating the Florida Constitutional Amendment 2 at the Tiger Bay Club of Orlando. This is part of series on Florida’s Amendment 2.

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The Battle in Florida is Joined-Amendment #2

This will be the first in what I expect will evolve into a series of articles related to the upcoming election and the vote on Constitutional Amendment #2. This is the krazy kristian kooks attempt to have a large conservative turnout in Florida, so instead of fielding a worthy candidate, they go for the devisive issue. Amendment #2 is, of course, a “marriage protection” amendment for the Florida Constitution.

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