Laura Ingraham – Triple Douche of the Day

So Fox News’ Laura Ingraham did what my grandfather would refer to as, “shit and fell back in it,” the other day when she decided it would be great sport to denigrate David Hogg, one of the more public of the Douglas High School shooting survivors. She thought that he didn’t get into some of the universities he’s applied to, she had a license to go after him.

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Tony Perkins-Lying Even More

We’re going to give Tony Perkins our Daily Douche award two days in a row. On Sunday, he appeared on the usually friendly Faux News Sunday to discuss the evils of marriage equality. Unfortunately, Ms. Perkins brought her pen knife intellect to a gun fight with a constitutional law heavy weight Ted Olson, a Republican lawyer and gay marriage advocate,, and hilarity ensues.

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It Would Be Funny If It Weren’t So Scary

These are interviews with the 60,00 to 70,000 people who turned out for the big Tea Bagger March in Washington. Apparently, you don’t have to really know anything about what you’re protesting. It’s all just bad because it is Obama, and some industry or media flak like Glenn Beck told you to be mad and scared.

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It Would Be Funny If It Weren't So Scary

These are interviews with the 60,00 to 70,000 people who turned out for the big Tea Bagger March in Washington. Apparently, you don’t have to really know anything about what you’re protesting. It’s all just bad because it is Obama, and some industry or media flak like Glenn Beck told you to be mad and scared.

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Fox News Pundit Says McCain Has to Bash Gays to Win

From the “comes as no surprise” category, Fox News Pundit Fred Barnes said Sunday that McCain would have to run a center/right (not sure what that actually looks like myself) in order to win the election. This would mean appealing to the far right wingnuts of the party by using the “gays in the military” and “gay marriage” issues. Barnes explicity cites these issues. The left side of the blogosphere is all in an uproar over the comments. I don’t like that this happens to be a true statement, but it is true that McCain will win friends from the krazy kristian kooks by bashing gays. This has been a winning issue for Republicans for a while now.

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So Long to JetBlue-Caves to O'Reilly

JetBlue sponsored, among many other things, YearlyKos. This is a grass roots convention of progressive bloggers and activists. JetBlue shows Fox News in flight, Their new CEO contributed $2,100 to Mitt Romney’s campaign, and they advertise on Fox. Yet when Bill O’Reilly finds they sponsored a progressive convention, he attacks…so JetBlue. And instead of standing up for their sponsorship, and pointing out how much they support Fox, they cave in and have their logo removed from the YearKos website.

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Media Plays Fast and Loose With Party Affiliations

Since the beginning of October, Fox News and the Associated Press have incorrectly identified former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) as a Democrat while reporting on the scandal surrounding allegations that he engaged in sexually explicit electronic communications with underage former congressional pages. Other media outlets have identified as Democrats former Rep. Daniel Crane (R-IL), who was censured by Congress in 1983 for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old female page, and Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), during coverage of a poll showing Chafee trailing his Democratic challenger Sheldon Whitehouse by 11 points. Whitehouse was also misidentified as a Republican.

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