The Crazies of Guns

Some time has lapsed from the horror that was the Newtown shooting, and now there have been even more gun deaths, and five people were shot accidentally on “Gun Appreciation Day,” hastily thrown together by the gun nuts. Now I grew up hunting with my Grandfather and other friends. I know my away around guns, and believe they are something that responsible should have for sporting purposes, but extremists have gone entirely too far with the rhetoric, and their arguments that every person should have totally unfettered access to any kind of gun. So I want to put my own spin in the discussion and dissemble the arguments that I keep hearing circulated.

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Back with My Thoughts on the Aurora Shooting

Everyone needs to just take a breath, and let’s bring some sanity to the discussion. We all want to know why. We want to understand how this person came to this place. We want to assign some motivation, some identifiable cause. We want to blame someone or something so it will look like we can control these situations. We want these answers because we want to be safe. Blame doesn’t mend the families or even the nation. The answers given so far are little more than bandages that easily fail after just a few dips in reality. Because there isn’t a good answer, we need to just stop and say a prayer for the families and friends of the victims in Aurora and a scared nation.

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Guns, Booze, and Tennessee Legislators

Not toolong ago the Teabagger crazy in the Tennessee Legislature decided it would be a good idea to roll back restrictions on where a person shouldn’t carry guns. So Rep. Curry Todd decided it would be a good idea to introduce a law allowing handgun carry permit holders to bring guns into bars. Because, you know, guns and drunks are always a successful combination…if you desire is to clean up the gene pool. Unfortunately, Rep. Todd forgot about another law in Tennessee making it illegal to be in possession of a fireman when intoxicated.

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News Roundup-April 25, 2008

Here’s the news roundup for the week ending April 25, 2008. A woman in Pinellas County wakes up to find an 8 foot gator in the kitchen, finally a jury that understands “beyond a reasonable doubt,” and there’s the bank robber escaping on his bicycle. A dad makes an interesting find in his daughter’s treehouse, and a priests drifts away under a bunch of helium filled party balloons, along with more.

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News of the week ending Nov. 9, 2007

Tidbits of news from the week ending Friday, November 9, 2007. It includes a story on the discovery of another grow house in Polk County, a Palmetto man shooting himself and blaming a gang, a Tampa rapper who raps about guns hides in the ladies room when gun play breaks out, and man in Tampa throws bricks through the neighbors windows.

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VA Tech Shootings-My Perspective

Let me start by extending my heartfelt sympathy to the students and staff at VA Tech, and the parents and friends of all those killed and injured in that horrible string of events. It is something that will certainly give us pause, and hopefully cause us to once again reflect on fragility of life.

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