Christianists Plan to Destroy Christmas

Each day brings even more astonishment at how low some people can go to make a buck or get their 15 minutes of fame. Certain Christianists seem hell-bent on creating a contrived “war on Christmas” where none exists all for the sake of either raising money, or making a name for themselves. And in the end, I fear it may destroy a wonderful and important time of the year.

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Every Christmas, The Same Stupid Gripe

I had planned on a slow work week leading up to the holiday, and had attempted to be somewhat ahead of the game when it came to preparing for the holidays, but it didn’t work out that way. For that reason, I never got around to really writing anything about the holiday, but I could not let pass without comment this whole “war on Christmas bullshit” that seems to crank up every year. An example is a commentary on CNN by some guy named Roland Martin. Obviously, he perceives this concerted attack on Christmas by…well, he’s never clear about that other than categorizing the enemies of Christmas as “politically correct idiots”.

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This Week's Stupid Is As Stupid Does

It appears that, along with Bill O’Reilly, the Right Wingnut organization, American Family Association is threatening boycotts and complaining because some companies are using “Happy Holidays” in their advertising instead of “Merry Christmas.” If these goof-balls really gave a shit about observing the holiday, the real issue would be forcing these stores to actually close in observance of the holiday so their employees can enjoy one day off each year.

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