Brian Brown – Douche Bag of The Day

I didn’t go back and look, but it is likely Brian has received our award before. He is, after all, head of the infamous “National Organization for Marriage (NOM) (an SPLC designated hate group). We decided to recognize Brian this time for his heretical efforts to make himself relevant again (and get some money flowing), by using Christ and Easter. Brian claims he’s as persecuted and Jesus was.

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NPR Embraces Hate Groups

Apparently NPR Religion Correspondent, Barbara Bradley-Haggerty, has decided that religious groups which claim to be Christian can’t possibly be hate groups. It also seems she makes decisions about who to interview for stories based on who returns her call the fastest.

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Another of the Florida Crazies – CFC

I noticed over at Joe My God, Joe had listed a quote of the day from Anthony Verdugo, founder of Florida’s Christian Family Coalition. I went to their website and used their contact form to send them a message. I got an email from their webmaster who accused me of cherry-picking scripture because I cited Micah 6:8, and he decided to pick about seven verses, two of them from Leviticus. No person not abiding by the entire Levitical Code has the right to cite those two verses…so I responsded.

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