Big Doings for Labor Day At Our House

It was a big weekend for us this weekend, but in the end, I did get some rest after Saturday.
The weekend started Friday afternoon with Lay’s Graduation Ceremony from the Fire Academy. Fortunately, they even got his nephews out of school to come attend. Then we all came back here for a cookout and swimming. Then the nephews stayed over.
We took the boys home Saturday, and then did kind of take it easy Saturday night, with dinner at Mimi’s restaurant, and we watched Adventureland here at home (review to follow).
I went to Sunday School Sunday morning.
Last week the TV in the living room at Lay’s parent’s house went out, and I mean went out. Were there, and while there weren’t flames and smoke, you sure could smell that acrid burning electronics smell. We got it unplugged and outside. Of course, that meant a new TV. With all their children chipping in, Lay and I spent Sunday afternoon finding them a new TV. We found a couple we liked at CompUSA, but the store here in Tampa didn’t have either of the ones we wanted in a box. They had tons of both at the CompUSA in Clearwater, so we had to go there.
Yesterday, Lay worked on his car, and I did the grocery shopping, ran to Office Depot for printer ink, and got the pictures from the party all uploaded (which you can see here>>). We went to a cookout at a friends house. The food was good, and we met a couple of new people. They had a Wii, and I serious trounced my friend Jeff in, if you can believe it, Dance Dance Revolution.
Last night, once we got home, we watched “State of Play.”