Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-27
* "I live here in Tampa where the Republicans are going to converge next month (ugh). They have declared all
Read moreThis is the default category used as the catch-all. If couldn’t think of any other classification for the post, I will classify it as “general.”
* "I live here in Tampa where the Republicans are going to converge next month (ugh). They have declared all
Read more* "I think the action of the "Atheist" is excessive. Businesses can and do provide all sorts of discounts. What…"
Read moreI just unlocked the "Greasy Spoon" badge on @foursquare for checking in at diners! Bring on the burgers! #
Read more* "The interesting point here is the whole part where Engle wants to brag about the super hero who "closes"
Read moreHaving lunch then picking up the nephews to spend the evening. (@ Pho Quyen Vietnamese Restaurant w/ 2 others)
Read moreHaving lunch. (@ Pho Quyen Vietnamese Restaurant) # * "And the catholic church, to appease the Romans, actually had
Read morePicking up lunch. (@ Steak 'N Shake) # Having dinner. Not sure what's up for later. (@ Pho Quyen
Read moreHaving dinner at a favorite spot. Not sure what the rest of the evening holds. (@ Pho Quyen Vietnamese Restaurant)
Read moreHaving an early dinner. Lay worked first shift today. (@ Pho Quyen Vietnamese Restaurant) # Fight night. We had
Read moreI'm at Hao Wah (Tampa, FL) # Having a late lunch. Wanted to do a new barbecue place in
Read moreBoarding soon for Charlotte I hope. Stopping off to visit mom. (@ Gate A6) # Having dinner with Mom.
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