You're Still Paying Mike Brown's FEMA Salary
Mike Brown may have resigned earlier this month as FEMA director amid intense public criticism, but taxpayers are still paying his salary. Brown remains on the FEMA payroll as a consultant so that the agency can receive a "proper download of his experience." The Department of Homeland Security is already spinning the story; spokesman Russ Knocke says that "Brown is continuing to work at the Federal Emergency Management Agency at full pay, with his Sept. 12 resignation not taking effect for two more weeks." Whatever happened to Brown’s promise on the day he resigned? "[I]t is important that I leave now to avoid further distraction from the ongoing mission of FEMA" on the day he resigned? "[I]t is important that I to avoid further distraction from the ongoing mission of FEMA"." The Department of Homeland Security is already spinning the story; spokesman Russ Knocke says that "Brown is continuing to work at the Federal Emergency Management Agency at full pay, with his Sept. 12 resignation not taking effect for two more weeks." Whatever happened to on the day he resigned? "[I]t is important that I to avoid further distraction from the ongoing mission of FEMA"
It’s also been reported that we will be paying him to conduct an investigation into his own stupidity and incompetence as FEMA Head in the coming months. Can you believe the arrogance of this administration, and their determination for political payoffs at taxpayer expense?