What I Most Fear…

I know, by the time you finish reading this, if you get that far, you are going to think I’m a serious crackpot. I promise I’m no more crazy than anyone here in the U.S. (which may not be a ringing endorsement after Tuesday night), but in my life I have never feared for the future of the Republic before now.

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Even Republicans Fear Bush

The most divisive election campaign in recent American history has not merely split the nation along party lines, it has split the Grand Old Party itself. Unfortunately, most Americans are wholly unaware of the loud dissents against Bush that has begun to be heard in Republican circles.

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A Final Appeal from George Soros

The nation is deeply divided and the two camps seem to be talking past each other. John Kerry won all three debates but President Bush invokes his faith and that inspires his followers. In the end, it boils down to a philosophical difference over how to deal with an often confusing and threatening reality.

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The George Bush Resume

Certainly a number of people have been circulating what they claim to be John Kerry’s resume. I’d like you to take a minute a review a well research resume of George Bush’s resume, and if you find anything there not accurate, please leave a comment to let us all know.

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