The Whale – A Movie Review

Lay was dying to see this. I admit to feeling a bit less enthusiastic and a little uncomfortable. There’s a part of this movie that I was apprehensive about even before going in. Is it exploitative? More than probably, yes. Is it phobic in a certain way? It isn’t impossible to think that. It was a hard film to watch. Not because of any exploitation but because of the deep emotional impact and intensity of the story and the actors. It was stunning in nearly every way, and to a one, the actors were outstanding.

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Wrestler, The – A Movie Review

Randy “The Ram” Robinson, a 1980s-era pro wrestler, has become a burnt-out shell of his former self. After he has a heart attack during a small-time match, a doctor tells him he could die if he fights again. In an effort to build a new life, Robinson takes a job at a deli, But the prospect of a rematch with his old nemesis, the Ayatollah, proves too tempting to resist, even if it means risking his life.

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