Yes I Can-No I Can't

Not surprisingly, after spending a couple of years strongly denying that Karl Rove was involved in the Valerie Plame leak, and Bush promising to fire anyone that was involved…all of a sudden no one in the administration can discuss the matter because there is an on-going investigation.

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Latest On The Paris Hilton Benefit Act

The Senate is poised to vote this month on a bill to permanently repeal the estate tax (a.k.a., the Paris Hilton Benefit Act). Hard-pressed to defend a bill that benefits such a minute few at the expense of so many, President Bush has been claiming that the estate tax (which he calls the “death tax”) hurts America’s farmers. But now we know just how dubious that argument is.

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Another Direction on Plamegate

A lot is being made in the blogosphere about Karl Rove being involved in leaking the information that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. Rove has never denied, and in classic lawyerly fashion, Rove’s attorney is choosing his words carefully. Rather than saying Rove “didn’t” provide any information, he is saying that Karl never “knowingly divulged confidential information.” From whence does his deniability derive?

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Blessed Water As Citrus Canker Cure?

This NOT a fake story…I repeat, this is true. You can read the whole thing in the Orlando Sentinal. Apparently, a few years ago, against policy and at the behest of then Secretary of State and now U. S. Representative Kathryn Harris, the State Dept. of Agriculture had to test “Celectial Drops” as a possible cure for Citrus Canker.

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Frankenstein of The Culture War

The White House and the Senate Republican leadership are pushing back against pressure from some of their conservative allies about the coming Supreme Court nomination, urging them to stop attacking Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales as a potential nominee and to tone down their talk of a culture war.

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Frightening Times Lie Ahead

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor resigned from the Supreme Court yesterday. Despite being placed on the Court by arch-conservative Ronald Reagan, Justice O’Connor was often the swing vote maintaining some sanity and progressive thinking within the Court. Here thoughtful votes and reasoning, and her protection of civil rights will be sorely missed. You have to wonder why she’s really leaving the Court at this point.

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