Where Has All The Character Gone; Long Time Passing

There’s a lot of people who staked their political capital and professional credibility on the idea that Terri Schiavo was not a vegetable, that she could be healed, that Jesus loved her that much. Well, tough shit. They went all in on that bet, and now it’s time to make these pay. Turns out that science was right, and their kind of sick twisted faith was wrong.

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The Downing Street Documents

I haven’t said much about the Downing Street Documents so far. It’s getting plenty of coverage in other blogs (and since its not a postitive for the Chimp ‘n Chief not much coverage in the main stream media). However, I thought it was time to take a crack at the topic. To listen to the blather storm of media and right wing spin about the Downing Street Memos, the uproar is merely the dying “told-you-so” bleatings of crazed antiwar protesters.

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When All Else Fails-Bash Some Queers

Reviving a major plank of his re-election campaign, President Bush called for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage Tuesday. It’s like a broken record, ain’t it? You’d think by now that Chimpy’s pious, brain-dead following would wake up and smell the giant pile of cowdung that their Dear Leader is shoveling at them. But alas, no.

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Idea for College Republicans

Over at Jesus’ General he’s proposed a great resolution for the CRNC to dissolve until after the war, and all of them show what true patriotism is, and help the military overcome its recruiting deficit. (I wonder if there will be a military recruiting table near their meeting?)

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Here I Go Again

I felt compelled to write another to the U.S. Methodist Bishops. My friend Glenda chastised me, saying I was going to cause them to just start deleting my messages. Indeed, at least two already do that (I request a read receipt). But as I told her, I can’t stop them from doing that, but I feel an obligation to try to move them. I can only do what I can do, and they will only do what they feel compelled to do.

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Raise Your Hand If You Love Lynching

The following Senators apparently think lynching was okay. At the very least, they didn’t think there was any reason to apologize for the U.S. Senate allowing it to go on. The following Senators, for some reason, did not want to go on the record saying it was a bad thing that Southern Senators had previously filibustered anti-lynching legislation.

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Another Letter to U.M. Bishops on Torture

I believe we as a nation are acting egregiously in this “War On Terror,” and I believe that good people in this country are standing by and letting it happen. It has happened previously in the history of the world, and the consequences have been dire. So, I will make a deal with you. I will stop pestering you about the issue of U.S. Government Sponsored torture, if you will write a letter to the President, and ask that the U.S. cease torturing captured prisoners, charge or release detainees (especially women and children), and observe all tenants of the Geneva Conventions regardless of the ?status? he elects to assign these people. I do not believe that is asking too much.

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