The Story of Company E

After returning to the United States, members of the company, part of a battalion nicknamed the “Magnificent Bastards,” have broken with the traditional code of silence to tell their story, “one they say was punctuated not only by a lack of armor but also by a shortage of men and planning that further hampered their efforts in battle, destroyed morale and ruined the careers of some of their fiercest warriors.”

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I Guess I'm No Longer A Person Of Faith

I was saddened this week to learn that, by definition of U.S. Senator (and Senate Majority Leader) Dr. Bill (I’ll diagnose you via videotape for a nominal contribution….ahhhh…I mean fee) Frist, and the Family Research Council, I am no longer a person of faith. That may be true. My lifelong allegience to Christianity is certainly being challenged by the Krazy Kristian Kooks, and if being a person of faith means relinquishing my rights and freedoms to the Kooks…then I withdraw my membership.

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Bush Speaks Lincoln Rolls

First off, having George W. Bush dedicate a library to Abraham Lincoln is like having David Duke dedicate a civil rights museum. It’s like having James Dobson dedicate a Kinsey collection. It’s like having . . . well, shit, you get the idea. It just ain’t right. But because you have to dedicate presidential libraries with the President you have, not the President you want, so it was that President Bush spoke at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library yesterday.

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More Corporate Welfare

A memo to Congress: want to know why you’re pulling abysmal 34 percent approval ratings? A front page story in today’s Washington Post lays out the problem: while “inflation and interest rates are rising, stock values have plunged, a tank of gas induces sticker shock, ? for nearly a year, wages have failed to keep up with the cost of living,” and politicians in Washington are consumed with Terri Schiavo, “judicial tyranny,” and Tom DeLay.

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Full Disclosure is Best Disinfectant

I can’t think of truer words. But oh what a difference 10 years can make. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is facing a major ethics investigation into his past lavish, lobbyist-paid trips. DeLay has so far refused to offer any details into his activities. Maybe DeLay should take his own advice from 1995 and follow his own standards in 2005:

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Debt To Society

As the U.S. government’s budget deficit tops $2.2 TRILLION, Bush made the following statement at the signing ceremony for the credit industry relief bill (known in Congress at the Bankruptcy Reform Bill): “Bankruptcy should always be a last resort in our legal system. If someone does not pay his or her debts, the rest of society ends up paying them.”

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Krazy Kristian Kook

According to Josh Marshall, the Rev. James Dobson, DD (Doctor of Divinity, or Daffy Duck, or both) claims to smell the odor of a burning cross drifting from our nation’s highest court. James Dobson compares the “men in white robes, the Ku Klux Klan” to the “black-robed men” on the Supreme Court.

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