Who Supported the Roll Back of Child Labor Laws in Florida?

The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) Played a key roll in the roll back of child labor laws in Florida. They are a conservative think tank based in the United States that focuses on welfare reform, healthcare, and workforce policies along with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. And yes, they are aligned and have received favorable treatment from the DeSantis Administration in regards to disaster relief.

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The Concealed Hand: Why Donors to Conservative Causes Like the Foundation for Government Accountability Prefer Anonymity

In the world of political donations and nonprofit funding, transparency often takes a backseat to privacy, particularly among those who fund conservative organizations like the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA). While public records show that millions of dollars flow into these groups from donor-advised funds (DAFs) and other anonymous sources, the lack of transparency raises a crucial question: Why do contributors choose to remain in the shadows rather than proudly stand by the work they fund?

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