Memorial Day Weekend 2006
It wound up being a far more active weekend that I had hoped for. I took Friday off and got
Read moreThis is the default category used as the catch-all. If couldn’t think of any other classification for the post, I will classify it as “general.”
It wound up being a far more active weekend that I had hoped for. I took Friday off and got
Read moreI’ve always heard the wives tell that you count the seconds between seeing a lightening flash and the sound of the thunder to figure out how far away it is. Living here in Florida, we get lots of both. So is it true or an old wives tale?
Read moreThe only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. –Arthur C. Clarke
Read moreAnd I actually have been away. Of course being away no longer means leaving your web access behind, but work and work related travel has just been a bear the past few weeks. Lots of things due on short time schedules, and I’ve been traveling as well. Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, then Chicago again Monday after being told Friday to be there, and that precluded a trip to Boston.
Read moreThe price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes cheaper. –Anonymous
Read moreI guess it’s looking as if I’ve abandoned the blog. You couldn’t be so lucky.
Read moreWhen bees need a new queen, special “queen cells” are made in the hive. describes these cells as extensions of the wax and shaped like a peanut. Young worker bees secrete a special food called “royal jelly,” and place it in the queen cells as food for the special larvae.
Read moreWhen we think of a person saying “that’s all she wrote,” we usually picture someone who’s disappointed for some reason.
Read moreKidz World explains that beans contain sugars the human body simply cannot digest. Once these sugars (called oligosaccharides) reach a person’s lower intestines, “the bacteria go berserk, start feasting, and make loads of gas.” Before you know it — toxic fumes.
Read moreI am due to fly into Atlanta this evening. About 3pm a friend advised me to turn on the news
Read moreIf human skin comes and goes like dust in the wind, why do tattoos stick around? The explanation is simple. The top layer of skin is called the epidermis. This page from A Moment of Science explains that while the epidermis is always regenerating, a tattoo needle actually penetrates through to the dermis, the second level of skin. It’s here that the tattoo makes its home for the rest of your natural life.
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