Little Bobby Knight Contradicts Himself – AGAIN

Little Bobby Knight, he of the conservative “private sector” over at One News now, has written a piece in which he makes this accusation, “Liberals, whose lifeblood is government red ink, are working around the clock to move America closer to one-party rule.” So how is we’re doing all this you ask? Well, according to Bob, by an assault on election integrity.

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Projection Much

Friend of David Duke and the KKK, Tony Perkins, head of the SPLC designated hate group, The Family Research Council (FRC) has released maybe one of the most stupid press releases I’ve ever seen. The real kicker comes near end of his rant. “And liberals wonder why women are turned off! After an entire campaign built on ‘lady parts,’ more women are waking up to the contempt Democrats have for them.” This is the classic Karl Rove tactic. Accuse the other side of exactly what you are guilty of doing. In fact, I think the Republican Party is focus group testing replacing the word “rapist” with “givers of gifts from God.”

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Fauxto Op

Truly, it is hard to imagine anything more feckless than what the Ryan/Romney campaign pulled a day or two ago when they decided to make an unscheduled stop at an already closed soup kitchen. Paul Ryan and the family took time out from their busy campaign schedule to wash previously cleaned pots in an empty and closed soup kitchen. Of course, this little stunt did allow Paul Ryan to double his private sector work experience. It seems to be the perfect metaphor for the Romney/Ryan Campaign.

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Republican Fauxto Op

Truly, it is hard to imagine anything more feckless than what the Ryan/Romney campaign pulled a day or two ago when they decided to make an unscheduled stop at an already closed soup kitchen. Paul Ryan and the family took time out from their busy campaign schedule to wash previously cleaned pots in an empty and closed soup kitchen. Of course, this little stunt did allow Paul Ryan to double his private sector work experience. It seems to be the perfect metaphor for the Romney/Ryan Campaign.

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Convention Poll

The professional pundits had more than enough analysis of how the respective 2012 political conventions went. Obviously we hosted the Republicans here in Tampa, and it would have been fine with me if they’d stayed home. I will write more about all that later this week. It was a disaster for downtown Tampa businesses, and the security was simply over the top. But for now, we’re posting a quick poll for you.

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Legitimate Rape?

So there’s tons of furor over Rep. Todd Akin’s (R-DB)(Doucebag) comments about how, in the case of a “legitimate” rape, a woman can’t get pregnant. There’s plenty there to be furious over, but he’s vowed to stay in. And he’s still leading his opponent. That’s because lots people (even some of the ones who have been distancing themselves from Akin) actually believe some of the bullshit he’s let slip out.

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Coming Out of The Closet in Favor of a Marriage Amendment

I just couldn’t resist reposting this. The krazy kristian kooks want to enshrine what they call “biblical” marriage into our Constitution. Well, so long as it goes with their inerant Bible, I’m OK with it. Vote ahead. Sometimes people just need to stop and think, and read what they believe they are referencing.

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We Don’t Need No Firemen

Last week the President made a poor choice of words in talking about how the private sector was adding jobs, while the public sector was laying off. He said, “the private sector is doing fine.” Of course it’s not overall, but what he meant was that, in comparison to the public sector, it’s better. Faux News and the media have been all over, but barely giving any coverage to Mitt Romney’s response. Romney’s response ought to be far more damaging, and more telling about what he thinks of the middle class, as he suggested we shouldn’t hire more cops, firefighters or teachers.

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