Tom Delay Wants to Sneak Through Another Federal Giveaway To The Oil Companies

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) said yesterday that conservative leaders plan to use the post-Katrina gas price woes to push through “a sweeping new energy bill.” But yesterday, a watchdog group released internal oil company memos showing “how the industry intentionally reduced domestic refining capacity to drive up profits,” in spite of the fact that “the oil industry blames environmental regulation for limiting [the] number of U.S. refineries.”

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Katrina Victims To Blame for Their Problems…Of Course

Here is a report of your Federal Government’s response to Hurricane Katina and the flooding of New Orleans on Wednesday — two days into the crisis. No one in charge. How scary is that? The biggest disaster on our shores in a century, and our government’s leaders were AWOL. Our President’s deer-in-the-headlights reaction to the 9/11 attacks was no fluke. For all his tough talk, the man simply does not know what to do when things go really, really wrong.

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Gary Bauer's Doublespeak on Right to Life

In a Washington Post Op/Ed piece, Gary Bauer, president of American Values and chairman of Campaign for Working Families, has gone after Republican Senata Majority Leader Bill Frist over Frist’s change of heart to support federal funding for stem cell research. In typical wingnut fashion, Bauer basis his attack on the right wing’s “pro-life” belief. However, it appears to me that the right wing is interested only in protecting “unborn” life, and could give a good goddamned about the rest of us who are already living and breathing.

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