When That Pesky Democracy Thing Gets In The Way

Majority Leader Tom DeLay may have faded from the front pages, but he’s still up to his dirty tricks. Yesterday, Rep. Henry Waxman revealed that DeLay slipped ?a $1.5 billion giveaway to the oil industry, Halliburton, and Sugar Land, Texas? into the energy bill. But it gets worse. The provision was “mysteriously inserted” into the text of the energy bill “after the conference was closed, so members of the conference committee had no opportunity to consider or reject this measure.”

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The Fix is Probably In For Rove

Senator Pat Roberts, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, announced that his commitee will be “reviewing” the criminal probe by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald of the White House leak of the identities of covert CIA agents. My guess is that Sen. Roberts is looking to throw the White House a lifeline on this one.

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No More Swiftboating Allowed

Eric Minamyer, an advisor to Jean Schmidt (R), running for Congress in Southern Ohio, sees fit to question Paul Hackett’s service to this country in Iraq. How dare he. Hackett is a Democrat running against Ms. Schmidt, and, if elected, would be the only Iraq War veteran in Congress.

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Kick The Bastards To The Curb

Props to this guy for trying to give Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter a taste of his own medicine. I doubt Logan Darrow Clements will win his case, but every single one of the Supreme Court Justices that voted yes for eminent domain should be dragged out of their homes and left homeless on the curb.

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