I Weep for America’s Lost Honor

I’ve written before about how I cannot believe that, in America, we are even having a discussion about the nuances of the legal issues surrounding torture. I am sickened and saddened that America’s values now allow this sort of thing. This is not about protecting America, its about a bunch of sick, arrogant aristocrats exercising their sadomasochistic urges under the guise of “protecting the homeland.”

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I Weep for America's Lost Honor

I’ve written before about how I cannot believe that, in America, we are even having a discussion about the nuances of the legal issues surrounding torture. I am sickened and saddened that America’s values now allow this sort of thing. This is not about protecting America, its about a bunch of sick, arrogant aristocrats exercising their sadomasochistic urges under the guise of “protecting the homeland.”

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Bonuses For Bilking

Apparently the multi-billion-dollar no-bid contracts weren’t enough. Reuters reports that the U.S. Army has decided to award a Halliburton subsidiary $9.4 million in bonus payments for its work in Kuwait and Afghanistan, and plans to assess more projects for “bonuses that could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars.”

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SAMHSA Seminar Update

You may recall that we gave this week’s “foot-in-mouth” award to SAMHSA Administrator Charles G. Curie. Mr. Curie insisted that a private group being contracted for a conference seminar on suicide change the name of the seminar so that it would not include the words, “Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual / Transgender. They have backed off this demand.

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Swift Boaters Attack Again

President Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security by transferring risk onto the nation’s elderly is proving a hard sell. Without public support, conservatives have turned to dirty tricks to try to sway public opinion. But no amount of deceptive advertising can mask the fact that Americans don’t want this risky plan.

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Blind Justice or Secret Justice?

The Justice Department yet to reveal its evidence ? let alone the charges ? against Ali, but now the administration’s attorneys are trying to dismiss the lawsuit based on secret legal arguments: “The government contends that the legal theory by which it would defend its behavior should be immune from debate in court.”

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