Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Protects Forced Child Marriage

You will be thrilled to know that Florida now has a member of Congress who supports forced child marriages. Incoming House Foreign Affairs chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) defeated a bill Thursday evening that would have committed the United States to combating forced child marriages abroad, by invoking concerns about the legislation’s cost and that funds could be used to promote abortion.
You should know that there is template language in all such bills which prevents the funds being used for abortion. Her concerns about spending are knowingly false, but you know, who wants to spend protecting children anyways? Here’s the letter I wrote her:
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
2206 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515-0918
Dear Rep. Ros-Lehtinen:
Congratulations. Once again you’ve acted to further advance the opinion of the rest of the world that Florida is backwards “hick” riddled state.
We’re already viewed as people who can’t count votes, and inbred bumpkins who marry our cousins, and now here you go opposing a bill to help stop forced child marriages around the world?
You claimed the bill would cost $108m over five years, but the CBO estimates an outlay of only $67m, and you were aware of this. You claim to have offered a “less expensive bill” (because really, who wants to spend money protecting children anyways), but your bill lacks implementation procedures, and you knew that too.
So all I can do is ask, “Why do you support forced child marriages, or do you just hate children?”
I look forward to your answer.
Fax number of her Washington, D.C. office is 202-225-5620