The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley-A Movie Review

The story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos has inspired quite a bit of content, including a NYT Best Seller, an ABC podcast, a movie starring Jennifer Lawrence, and now an HBO documentary directed by “Going Clear” director, Alex Gibney. If you want a great overview of the story that concentrates on Holmes, this is an excellent two-hours you can spend. I’m going to give it a 7, what say you?

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Customs and Border Protection – Douchebags of the Day

This organization and its leaders are no longer even trying to pretend to act lawfully, morally and with integrity. CBP Chief Carla Provost is trying to explain her way out of a racist private Facebook page she and her agents used to post denigrating names about immigrants. One of her deputies, Chief of Law Enforcement Operations for Customs and Border Protection Brian S. Hastings, is rivaling Trump for number of lies.

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The Death Penalty – Yes, No, Maybe?

The revival by Trump/Barr of the federal death penalty was the impetus for me to finally put into writing how have I’ve been thinking about the death penalty. I hate, during election season, when I get the survey calls, and one of the questions is, “Do you support the death penalty?” They want a “Yes, No, Don’t Know,” but the best I can do is “well, sort of.”

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FDLE Serves as Rick Scott’s Personal Goon Squad in Election

With all the votes now being counted, Rick Scott is seeing his lead slipping away in his race for U.S. Senate, and so, as any good Republican would do, he sued to try to keep from counting all the votes. Scott has apparently ordered the FDLE to investigate the Broward County Elections Office mostly because they are now counting all the ballots.

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Melania Trump’s Spokesperson-Stephanie Grisham: Douche Bag of The Day

Last month Melania Trump visited Egypt. Quartz News, based on federal records, report that Melania and her entourage spent a night there and amassed a bill of $95,000.00 (for a one night stay). Ms. Grisham is all upset, not because of the amount taxpayers had to spend, but the fact that the news source was wrong…they were at the hotel for only six hours.

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Marco Rubio – Handing Out Matches To Arsonists

Early last week Little Marco Rubio got another Douche Bag of the Day Award. He won it for a tone-deaf email sent out about the extremism of Democrats on the day the bombs made by a Trump supporter were being delivered to their targets. Today’s award is for a tweet where he tries to defend and cover for his Dear Leader’s violent rhetoric.

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Rep Diane Black Says Pornography Causes School Shootings

Diane, for becoming yet another of the NRA stooges and blaming gun violence in schools on anything and everything but guns, we’re going to let you have a Douche-bag of the day award. It’s available on the shelf when you walk into the grocery store. You’ll have to reach up to get it, but it’s right there.

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Scott Pruitt-EPA Head-Douche of the Day

It has taken this long for Trump’s EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt, to receive a Douche Bag of the Day award only because I haven’t had the time nor motivation to post much lately. All of his enumerable ethical lapses aside, maybe the worst action came this week when he set out a plan to severely limit the use of actual science by EPA scientists.

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Laura Ingraham – Triple Douche of the Day

So Fox News’ Laura Ingraham did what my grandfather would refer to as, “shit and fell back in it,” the other day when she decided it would be great sport to denigrate David Hogg, one of the more public of the Douglas High School shooting survivors. She thought that he didn’t get into some of the universities he’s applied to, she had a license to go after him.

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The Swiss Gun Control Argument

The Swiss argument about gun control gets bandied about with some regularity. There’s this claim that “The Swiss require everyone to have a gun,” or “The Swiss government issues everyone a gun.” Except, no they don’t. And as a matter of fact, when you look into gun violence statistics, Switzerland supports the position: “the more guns, the more gun violence.”

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No Gun Control Unless You Are Anti-Choice

And here’s one of the latest anti-gun control arguments I was presented with today. Apparently, my opinion on the steps I thought might help reduce the gun carnage in America doesn’t count unless I’m willing to certify that I am against abortion. Are those people fucking serious? I mean did the guy who tried that not have a clue about how easy that would be to stand on its head?

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