More Flap Over Miss Jugs for Jesus

The brohaha over Carrie Prejean seems to be continuing as nudie pictures have surfaced, and she seems to think the contract she signed with the Miss California organization doesn’t mean anything. It all sounds so Christian to me. I mean how dishonest and hypocritical. Seems a perfect with today’s version of professional Christianity.

I’m sure most everyone’s seen the nudie photos of Ms. Prejean. She claims to be only 17 at the time and trying to become a Victoria’s Secret model. (Now there’s a fine Christian aspiration if ever I heard one.) The problems with all that is that everyone seems to think the boob she’s hiding with her arm appears to be Jugs Version 2 (post Miss CA purchase). Also, it raises the question, why wasn’t the photographer arrested for kiddie porn?

Of course Prejean goes all “oppressed because of her Christian beliefs” on us, claiming that people are just out to hurt her, and she’s really just a nice little Christian girl who was trying to get a job. The problem there, her contract with the Pageant specifically requires that she disclose if she’s ever done nude modeling. Miss Christian apparently lied about that one.

She appeared in the NOM ad, made appearances on their behalf, and done unapproved interviews. Once again, all that is a violation of the terms of the pageant contract. No one is out to get her, and she is NOT oppressed. Pulleaze…this girl has simply ripped up a binding contract, to which she willing agreed, and is out shooting herself in her pretty little feet.

Lying and failing to keep you legal commitments are not family or Christian values. She needs to quit playing that card. Do I care if she did some nude modeling? Of course not. Do I care if she does a NOM ad? Of course not, but I do care that she’s aligned herself with the professional christians, herself taking on this holier than thou attitude, but failing to explain how she’s managed to completely ignore her contractual obligations.

I hope they take the crown from her. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. Of course the professional christians will then parade her around as a martyr, but those who bother to learn the truth will realize she is just a spoiled little opportunistic bitch, who is also a sore loser.

B. John

Records and Content Management consultant who enjoys good stories and good discussion. I have a great deal of interest in politics, religion, technology, gadgets, food and movies, but I enjoy most any topic. I grew up in Kings Mountain, a small N.C. town, graduated from Appalachian State University and have lived in Atlanta, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Dayton and Tampa since then.

One thought on “More Flap Over Miss Jugs for Jesus

  • May 13, 2009 at 7:27 am

    Thank God I surfed upon this. After seeing Miss California on Hannity last night I thought perhaps I was losing my sense of reason.
    Gay marriage is not ok, but nudity as a role model is? Lying is ok?
    Why do people think that Donald Trump stood up there and kept her on as Miss California?
    Media, it has nothing to do with gay marriage. Anything that creates controversy is a plus for Donald.
    I’m so angry, but will bookmark this site for future calmness. :)


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