Anti-Children “Christians”

As we all know, there is a refugee problem on our southern border as nearly 50,000 children (many unaccompanied) are making the dangerous trek to try to escape grinding poverty and violence in their home countries for a better life. But the country which gave our ancestors their chance at a better life for us, who took in the tired and the poor of the world, is no longer open for business. The white “Christians” have theirs now, so the doors are closed, and that’s why the anti-children Christians get today’s Douche Award.

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Robert Jeffress – Foul Pharisee

Perhaps nothing is more troubling to me at this time in my life than the insertion of religion into politics. Mega-Church pastors become political pundits, and it never comes to a good end. Thomas Jefferson himself wrote in 1813, “History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.” Robert Jeffres suddenly decides he’s a border security expert, and that whole thing about “suffer the children to come unto me,” well, that’s just for white protestant children. So, meet Robert Jeffress, foul Pharisee and our Douche of the Day.

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Rush Tells Hungry Kids To Go Dumpster Diving

Rush on his show getting bent out of shape about the fact that 16 million children will go hungry this summer without their school lunch. Since he can’t miss a chance to slam any Obama, he proceeds to say that since Michele Obama thinks kids are too fat, maybe it would be good for these kids to go hungry all summer. Yes, he suggests they go dumpster diving. The irony of someone Rush’s size suggesting it would be good for fat children to go hungry all summer pales with the knowledge that Rush himself has fed at the public trough. Yes friends, there was a time when Rush was out of work and using food stamps and unemployment checks to sustain himself.

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