Brian Brown – Douche Bag of The Day
I didn’t go back and look, but it is likely Brian has received our award before. He is, after all, head of the infamous “National Organization for Marriage (NOM) (an SPLC designated hate group). We decided to recognize Brian this time for his heretical efforts to make himself relevant again (and get some money flowing), by using Christ and Easter. Brian claims he’s as persecuted and Jesus was.
In a post on the NOM blog, Brown whines about everyone finally abandoning their support for the group (and his paycheck) after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality and the world didn’t end, and neither did marriage. According to Brown:
I can imagine how Jesus must have felt, having experienced on a far lesser scale a seeming seismic shift in public opinion (at least according to the media) in the object of much of my work, the preservation of marriage.
I can’t help but feel the parallels between what happened during Christ’s time on earth and some of our own experiences in recent times, including in the struggle to preserve, protect and promote marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
You caught that, right? Brian’s losing struggle to prevent equal treatment under the law for LGBT people is the same as being hung on a cross until you are dead. Brian’s obviously having a pretty bad Easter given all that. He goes on to say:
We’ve seen some people abandon the fight, whether out of fear or seeing many who remained vigilant punished and persecuted. And we’ve seen constitutionally-guaranteed rights such as the right to religious liberty be superseded by invented concepts that not only are not rights, they also are not right.
It can be disheartening at times, but we at NOM have not lost faith.

So, I think I read once that Brian has like 9 children, so I guess, since has no other employ-able skills, continuing to flog this dead horse is necessary to keep food on the table, and deposits going to all those college funds. The bulk of their funding used to come from U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, but I suspect even they have cut back on that one.
So, Brian, for thinking that losing a political battle is the same as nailed to the cross, and dying an hours-long painful death are the same thing, you get another Douche-bag of the day award.