Craig and Vitter Sponsor Marriage Protection Amendment
It’s not really surprising to find that a small group of Republican Senators re-introduced the Federal Marriage Amendment to write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution. After all, they are mostly behind in the polls, the base is distraught and disorganized, and even fund raising isn’t going so well. I mean even if the bill has no chance of even getting a hearing, nothing gets the blood pumping for krazy kristian kooks like a good homo bashing.
What you might find interesting though is that two of the original 10 sponsors is Larry “I have a wide stance” Craig (R-Idaho) and David “I heart hookers” Vitter (R-LA). Sometimes the silly shit just writes itself. Come on…Larry Craig was caught trying to hook up with a hot cop in an airport
restroom, and David Vitter used to let hookers put him in diapers. Both were married at the time…so just which marriage and family values are we trying to protect here.
These are people who want to pontificate on the sanctity of holy matrimony? They’d better hope St. Peter enjoys irony, and has a sense of humor.