Marco Rubio – Douche Bag of The Day
Congratulations to Marco as a multiple award winner. This time for a tone-deaf email that went out today, of all days, claiming it’s Democrats who are lacking civility and attacking the fine folks of the Republican persuasion.
Not only did Rubio’s fundraising email paint the Democrats as the extremists in this country, but it did so on a day that events conclusively proved that the only acts of terrorism in America are originating with right-wing Republican Trump maniacs. On a day when the nation is confronted with a series of deadly pipe bombs mailed to prominent progressive Democratic politicians by the unknown person (or persons) being dubbed the MAGA-bomber on Twitter.
ABC News Political Director, Rick Klein got a fundraising email this morning first thing:
inbox: Marco Rubio's campaign sends fundraising appeal decrying "Democrats' extremism." Subject line: "It will only get worse."
— Rick Klein (@rickklein) October 24, 2018

While the original message gets cut off in the tweet, the opening lines — “I don’t know if you’ve seen the news lately, but it’s not good. Democrat’s partisanship has gone into overdrive, and the norms that once governed our politics and public discourse are gone.” — prove exactly how ridiculously the Rubio campaign’s messaging has assessed the situation in America. But consider it the classic Republican ploy…if they’re accusing someone else of doing it, you can bet they are the ones doing it.
So Marco, congratulations on achieving yet another Douche Bag of the Day Award.