McConnell And Ryan – Douche Bags of the Day

They aren’t worth the ink to give them separate awards, and besides, they’re receiving the award since they are both involved in the same scam of the American Taxpayer…well, one of their many and most recent. After passing a $1,500,000,000,000.00 ($1.5 Trillion) dollar tax cut that went to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, they now claim that Social Security and Medicare need to be cut to cover that deficit.

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Crazy Is In The Air

This week, we had craziness at Walmart in Georgia, Michelle Bachmann coming through for us again, teabaggers berating a lady in a wheelchair at a health care town hall meeting, and Medicare recipient getting treatment for an injury he received while protesting government run health care. But we start with just a tiny bit of the foolishness being spewed over Obama speaking to school children about doing good in schools this year. What a sad place we’ve been brought to in this country by a small group of small-minded and easily manipulated people.

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Billionaire Insurance CEO’s – $102k per hour salaries

Ed Schultz of The Ed Show interviews Robert Greenwald about an investigative report on the CEO of United Health Care Group. Turns out the guy is making about $102,000 per hour. At one point a few years ago his salary alone accounted for $1 in every $700 spent on healthcare in America. The fact is, in this country we have always recognized that some things are not best left to the marketplace.

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Billionaire Insurance CEO's – $102k per hour salaries

Ed Schultz of The Ed Show interviews Robert Greenwald about an investigative report on the CEO of United Health Care Group. Turns out the guy is making about $102,000 per hour. At one point a few years ago his salary alone accounted for $1 in every $700 spent on healthcare in America. The fact is, in this country we have always recognized that some things are not best left to the marketplace.

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Bill Moyers Explains Money, Politics and Healthcare Reform

As is so often the case, Bill Moyers does another outstanding job of pointing out the differences in how healthcare is viewed. I continued to be amazed at the absolute stupidity of people who can’t understand that their version of “free market” healthcare is not, and will not work. In the free-market, companies are out to make a profit. They don’t make a profit by paying for your care.

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Katrina: Republican Excuse to Continue Regressive Agenda

With great fanfare, and recalling the “Gingrich Revolution” of the 1990s, House conservatives yesterday proposed a broad set of spending cuts they said would help offset the costs of the Katrina reconstruction effort. Their plan reduces the budget by $500 billion over 10 years, and does so in large part by dismantling programs that invest in middle- and working-class Americans.

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