Florida Governor’s Election

Well, the time is upon us, so I just as well start blogging about the election. It will come as no surprise that I’m recommending you vote for Andrew Gillium for Governor of Florida. Not only is Mayor Gillium the right choice for Florida right now, but Ron DeSantis is also exactly the wrong choice.

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Finding a Right in the Constitution

You’re likely aware that a number of state laws and constitutional amendments limiting the right so LGBT people to marry, have recently been found to be unconstitutional. The anti-equality pundits then issue their (now pretty standard) press releases denouncing the ruling, and explaining how the judge “found” a non-existent “right to gay marriage” in the U.S. Constitution. I’m here to theorize that one does NOT go to the Constitution to find a right.

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A landlord should be able to discriminate

According to David E. Smith of the Illinois Family Institute, an anti-gay group claiming to be concerned with protecting heterosexual-only marriage, “A landlord should be able to discriminate and say, Look, I don’t want to rent my apartment out or my condo out to anyone who doesn’t share my values.”

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God Not Happy With the Prada Pope’s Hate Speech

the Pope was busy Sunday in Spain speaking out to deny gay people equal treatment under the law. Unfortunately for Pope Prada, God wasn’t too happy with what he had to say. In a gesture that surely could only have been intended to say, “STFU,” God whipped up a surprise wind storm and knocked the hat right off of the pope’s smarmy head.

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Tony Perkins’ Head Explodes After New York Marriage Vote

I admit to being a little late on this one, but head of SPLC designated hate group Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, is just all atwitter about marriage equality passing in New York State. Get this, he’s deeply concerned the law doesn’t “protect” deeply religious “divorce lawyers.” If, as Perkins and the other haters claim, they are just in this to “protect marriage,” why would there be any such thing as a “deeply religious divorce lawyer.” Wouldn’t their deeply held beliefs prohibit them enabling any divorce?

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