2020 Election – Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 6
This has Republican Sandy Murman seeking to unseat Democratic incumbent Pat Kemp. This is a tough one for me. So I’ll just jump right in. Sandy Murman is running for this district seat because she has termed out of her current seat. She seems to always find an office to run for as she terms out of another office, and frankly, that flies in the face of the intent of term limits. I think Sandy has met my master limit on terms overall for various city and county offices. She’s just a politician. She lacks any convictions I can discern other than being sure to take good care of developers and allow them to overdevelop and under-fund the needed infrastructure. This has left Hillsborough County resources stretched thin and created innumerable problems throughout the county. On any other issue, Murman picks the way she thinks the wind is blowing. She’s not a leader nor an advocate for her constituents…she’s just a politician.

On the other hand, Kemp has pushed for new development to pay more of the costs for needed new infrastructure. And she has promoted urban infill, mixed-use communities, and transit-oriented development as tools for creating more lively, sustainable communities. She’s always been socially progressive while Murman’s general position on social justice issues has been very to extremely conservative depending on the district she’s running in at the time.
I even contributed to Kemp’s campaign. The problem is, I’ve actually worked pretty hard to talk to her, but she’s not bothered, so now I wish I had my money back, and I will not be recommending her.
So, you get no recommendation from me on Hillsborough County Commission District 6 (and I won’t be voting for either candidate).