Laura Ingraham – Triple Douche of the Day
So Fox News’ Laura Ingraham did what my grandfather would refer to as, “shit and fell back in it,” the other day when she decided it would be great sport to denigrate David Hogg, one of the more public of the Douglas High School shooting survivors. She thought that he didn’t get into some of the universities he’s applied to, she had a license to go after him.
Frankly, the past weeks have offered so many candidates for Douche of the Day, it would be hard to decide to who give the award to, but not only was Ingraham a douche for her original tweet, she couldn’t have done a worse job of trying to recover if she’d been trying to screw it up. So, Douce 1 is for just being an asshole and deciding it’s great sport to make fun of any kid, let alone that had to live through a school shooting.
Apparently, these “media-savvy” Faux News crisis actors don’t have the savvy to understand the double-bladed nature of social media. Within hours, advertisers on her show were pulling their ads as they began to get dinged on social media about the distaste most decent human beings have for her flavor of sport. As of March 31, the following advertiser had pulled ads from her show:
- Atlantis, Paradise Island
- Jenny Craig
- Nutrish
- Hulu
- TripAdvisor
- Wayfair
- Stitch Fix
- Expedia
- Nestlé
- Johnson & Johnson
- Office Depot
So, in a desperate attempt to smooth things over (as you might imagine), she rushed out an apology.
So, as I see, she gets the second Douce award for not having the courage of her convictions. She said what she said and obviously thought that was fine until what she said turned out to have consequences. What a lily-livered coward she is, trying to walk this back after the going got tough. Like most of these hateful conservatives, she needs to learn to own what she believes and says.
The third is for her claim that she’s doing it in the spirit of Holy Week. First, I’d be surprised if her ass was at a Sunrise Service anywhere this morning, so there’s that. Second, what the hell does Holy Week have to do with it, other than trying to throw around some language to try to keep her krazy kristian kooks on-board? And worst of all, this obviously means that were it NOT Holy Week, she wouldn’t have condescended to apologize.
So, Laura, for screwing up three times in an effort to make yourself look good in front of your mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging viewers, here’s your douche of the day award.