So Where Have I Been Lately

If you’re a regular visitor (or you receive the digest email) I suppose you have noticed a decided lack of activity here lately. I have to tell you, I’ve just been tired. I think that’s the best way to describe what’s been going on in my life lately. It’s not that feeling of “being sick and tired of being sick and tired,” but more a general malaise that came over me during the last months. I didn’t send out Christmas cards this year, and didn’t even decorate the house. I came into the season with a good deal of the shopping done, and combined with some upcoming time off, I was actually looking forward to the holiday, but somewhere along the way, I just sort of lost that holiday spirit. I’m working on a comeback.

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A Visit to North Carolina

No blogging or politics last week, as I was on the road from Monday to Friday. I drove up North Carolina because we had a business meeting in Burlington Wednesday, and then I took two days off, visited Mom and drove home. It was actually a pleasant week. i also took some photos around Kings Mountain and Shelby.

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Salvaging A Small Part of A Small Town Downtown

I’m from a small town, Kings Mountain, North Carolina, just across the South Carolina state line. It’s right off Interstate 85. Recently my Mom sent me a clipping from the local paper. The main article on clipped page was about an effort to restore the downtown local theater. This started me thinking back to the downtown where I grew up, and considering how it’s changed.

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Christmas 2007

We’re well into the new year already, and I’m just now getting around to writing about the holidays. I suppose that is because it wasn’t one of the better holidays. I did travel home for the usual visit, but it was very short. Lay took ill the week before Christmas week, and remains sick with the doctor still testing to try and find out what is wrong, but it got fairly serious there right after Christmas.

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Cold In Tampa

It remains dry, but it’s been very cool the past few nights, getting into the 40’s. There could be some frost tonight north of here and inland. Lay’s nephews are over to spend the night, as two of them have birthday’s next week. We won’t be here. Lay and I will be traveling to North Carolina. While I’m taking the whole week off, Lay will be working Monday and Tuesday, so unfortunately, we’ll be on the road Wednesday. I am not looking forward to that.

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Slack Once Again

I wasn’t quite as busy this past week, but I did have to travel to North Carolina on business the first couple of days of the week. I flew in Monday and spent Tuesday night in Kings Mountain visiting Mom. I had dinner with Mom and my sister Robin Tuesday night, and lunch with my other sister and her two children Wednesday before heading home.

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Where Have I Been?

Well, I realize it’s been quite some time since there were last updates to this blog. I apologize for the absence, but it was due to work. The previous several weeks involved some very long days, and most of those were spent writing proposals…so by the time evening came around, I was tired of writing. There hasn’t been a ton of news to report anyway on the personal front.

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