Fireworks in Sydney

I guess there’s really no better way to welcome in the New Year than the fireworks over Sydney I guess there’s really no better way to welcome in the New Year than the fireworks over Sydney Harbor. They always seem to know how to do it up right down under. Give me a choice between ringing in the new year down in Sydney and Times Square, and I’m heading to Australia. Let’s all hope (and if you’re so inclined, pray) for a better year this year than most of us had last year.

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News Brief for the Week of January 11, 2008

It’s shaping up as an interesting week for odd ball news. So far we have a 71 year old carrying a night stick at the airport to keep away “fresh” hands, our Florida Legislature hard at work protecting us from bestiality and baggy pants, and a real life Weekend At Bernies….and that’s just for starters.

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Where Have I Been?

Well, I realize it’s been quite some time since there were last updates to this blog. I apologize for the absence, but it was due to work. The previous several weeks involved some very long days, and most of those were spent writing proposals…so by the time evening came around, I was tired of writing. There hasn’t been a ton of news to report anyway on the personal front.

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How Do They Coordinate Fireworks

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy once reportedly said that you might be a redneck if your lifetime goal was to own a fireworks stand. But these days, operating a modern-era fireworks production is much more like Hollywood in the sky. Orchestrating the shows that will take place over the next few days requires artistry, a fanatical interest in safety, and a healthy dose of geek, to boot.

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