Signs of Spring

Each year since I’ve purchased the house in Tampa, I’ve had spring announced by a tapping on the sliding glass door at the dining room. Several weeks ago, just as has happened every year previous, I’ll be sitting in the office and start hearing an unusual tapping. I always forget what it is.

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A Long Winter's Nap

Today, it’s cool and overcast. We’ve had rain for a good bit of the morning. I was up at 8:30 so I could give our friends Mike and Jeff (and Jeff’s sister and lover) a ride to the Tampa Stadium. They are attending the Outback Bowl. Jeff was not at all interested in going to begin with, but the weather really made him want to stay home.

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Ernesto Watch Monday Morning

The Hurricane Center, as of 8am this morning, has moved the track for Ernesto further to the east. This is good news for us here in Tampa, as it will put us on the “backside” of this storm. This also means it will come on shore at nearly the tip of the Florida penennsula, and track over land all the way up the center of the state.

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Hurricane Ernesto Watch Begins

We Floridians started paying attention to Tropical Storm Ernesto several days ago. In was forming up southeast of Puerto Rico. The early forecast tracks had the storm staying south of the islands, and gaining strength. Then it would have crossed Cuba and gone out into the Gulf headed tot he northwest…a beeline for the Louisianna coast. However, the track has shifted very close to Tampa.

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