Which Kids Grow Up to Be Liberals and Which Become Conservative

University of California at Berkley professor Jack Block and his late wife, Jeanne Bock, tracked almost one hundred children for two decades. From nursery school on, the kids were studied and interviewed–without any sense of political bias. The whiniest, least confident kids were those who grew up to be uncomfortable with ambiguity, who toed a rigid line on social issues, and who were, for the most part, right wingers. The kids who were loose, interesting, and willing to challenge authority ended up being liberals.

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The Basis For The Rise of Religious Extremism

I came across an article by author and playwright, Philip Slater, titled “Why America is Polarized.” This is perhaps one of the best explanations I’ve read explaining why religious fundamentalism is on the rise, not only in America, but around the world. Slater’s basic premise is that, “The purest forms of a cultural system always appear as it decays.”

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Congressional Lapdogs Prepare to Gut FISA-Give President Imperial Power

Republicans are packaging as “reform” a plan that would gut FISA, leaving the president free to spy on Americans without obtaining a warrant. A NY Times editorial expresses appropriate outrage at this cynical ploy to shield the president’s lawless behavior:

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Small Room-Small Man

It turns out that George Bush wasn’t being completely honest explaining the federal government’s response to Katrina. I know this will come as a big shock to many of you, but when W said that no one thought it would be as bad as it was, and no one could have anticipated the levee breach, he wasn’t telling the whole truth.

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Gonzales Backtracks on Senate Testimony – Hints At Additionaly Spying Programs

In a letter yesterday to senators in which he asked to clarify his Feb. 6 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Gonzales also seemed to imply that the administration’s original legal justification for the program was not as clear-cut as he indicated three weeks ago.

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