In A Mirror Dimly-Response to a Series by Bishop Michael Lowry-Part 4

This is a short conclusion to Bishop Lowry’s series. He claims, “signs of new life all around.” This is his clinging to the belief that it will be the orthodox church (his definition of orthodoxy) that survives and thrives, all evidence to the contrary.

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In A Mirror Dimly-Response to a Series by Bishop Michael Lowry-Part 3

United Methodist Bishop, J. Michael Lowry of the Central Texas Conference, recently addressed a gathering of the United Methodist Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy Conference at Armstrong Chapel United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has put his address, “In a Mirror Dimly”: The Future of the United Methodist Church”© on his website ( as a four part posting. This is part 3.

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In A Mirror Dimly-Response to a Series by Bishop Michael Lowry-Part 2

United Methodist Bishop, J. Michael Lowry of the Central Texas Conference, recently addressed a gathering of the United Methodist Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy Conference at Armstrong Chapel United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has put his address, “In a Mirror Dimly”: The Future of the United Methodist Church”© on his website as a four part posting. This is Part 2 of a four part series.

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In A Mirror Dimly-Response to Series by Bishop Michael Lowry-Part 1

United Methodist Bishop, J. Michael Lowry of the Central Texas Conference, recently addressed a gathering of the United Methodist Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy Conference at Armstrong Chapel United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has put his address, “In a Mirror Dimly”: The Future of the United Methodist Church”© on his website as a four part posting. This is my response to those articles.

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When A Methodist Pastor Withdraws the Welcome to Gays and Lesbians

For over 10 years I’ve been a member of Palma Ceia United Methodist Church here in Tampa. In 2011, at the urging of a large group of members, the Administrative Council of the Church adopted a statement of welcome to all, which was to be placed on our website. Unfortunately, we were recently appointed a new pastor who’s animus towards gay people has caused to him to withdraw that welcome and remove the statement from all public display. In fact, he’s gone so far as to have our listing removed from a website that does nothing more than provide a geographic directory of gay-welcoming churches. He did it without any consultation with the Council, and has acted in some questionable ways.

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The Discomfort of Faith-My Experience at the Methodist General Conference

I’ve been thinking back over the time I got spend recently at the quadrennial General Conference of the United Methodist Church held here in Tampa this year. It was a big event, and it was a mess from a church polity standpoint. Like Congress, little of great substance was accomplished, and few longstanding issues were resolved, but that may be a good thing. Here, I reflect on the experience.

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Once Again A Call To Methodist Bishops to Denouce Torture

I have, several times in the past, called on the U.S. Bishops of the United Methodist Church, to write George Bush and denounce the practice of government sponsored torture. To the best of my knowledge, only five have done so. In light of the recent revelations, I am, again, calling on these Christian leaders to denounce toture. I will be much aggressive this time in that I plan to make a phone call to each.

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