Blog Upgrades

I ran through the upgrade process on my Mother’s blog. That went very well, but I was holding my breath as I upgraded the Deep Sand blog. It is a significantly more complex site. However, the upgrade went very smoothly. There are one or two minor problems that will have to be corrected. I think I know how to resolve these fairly quickly tomorrow. There is a file uploader that I use for the photo gallery that isn’t working, so I’ll have to do some research on that. There is an option to it using the Flickr photo system, and there are plugins for that too.

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A Fare Fair Weekend

While I posted movie reviews (Date Movie, The Pink Panther), there has not been much else posted lately. I had a pretty bad couple of days related to work and my profession at the end of last week. I have also been busy with work, and the social calendar has been pretty full.

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A Christmas Wish For You

?We have heard a lot about “saving Christmas” during the last couple of Decembers. With people whipped into a frenzy by right wing pundits, it has become all the rage among certain branches of Christianity to protest by boycotting any retailer who makes mention of “Happy Holidays” or to sue local governments who balk at manger scenes on the town square. All this is apparently done for the purpose of reminding America of the “true meaning” of Christmas. But boycotts and lawsuits are hardly the substance of the Christmas season, as anyone with only a passing familiarity with the Gospels will no doubt attest.?

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