Tony Perkins’ Head Explodes After New York Marriage Vote

I admit to being a little late on this one, but head of SPLC designated hate group Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, is just all atwitter about marriage equality passing in New York State. Get this, he’s deeply concerned the law doesn’t “protect” deeply religious “divorce lawyers.” If, as Perkins and the other haters claim, they are just in this to “protect marriage,” why would there be any such thing as a “deeply religious divorce lawyer.” Wouldn’t their deeply held beliefs prohibit them enabling any divorce?

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Stand and Be Counted

There is a great tradition in the Northeast United States of annual town meetings. Important issues for the town are voted on by everyone attending (who is a legal voter in that town), and this is where the famous line, “stand and be counted” comes from. After everyone has spoken on the issue, they call on those in favor to “stand and be counted.” We’ve just celebrated the day the Declaration of Independence was ratified. Those founding fathers did more than just vote, they pledged their lives and fortunes in defiance of the Crown. Note they not only said it, they affixed their signatures to the document…an act of treason.

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Bin Laden and His Family

I’ve been torn about the action against Bin Laden and how the situation has been handled. My attitude is that every reasonable effort should have been taken to capture him alive and try him in a U.S. Court. Of course, I realize a lot of people don’t think we should give fair trials anymore, and I understand there would be risks. Also, I wasn’t on the ground at the compound.

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More Idiocy From Tallahassee – The Clown Car Still Runs

So here we go again with the Florida Legislature. So far, not one new job has been created by this august group, and several thousand jobs were lost thanks to Rick Medicare Fraud Scott unilaterally turning down the high speed rail money. But there’s a little something for everyone. Abortion Restrictions, Droopy Pants Laws, liftin environment protections, shortening voting periods, letting insurance companies pay hurricane claims whenever they feel like it, and drug testing welfare recepients but not legislators.

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NO More Sitting During Break…because we need jobs

I’m trying to figure out the logic that must have been going through the twisted head of Representative Daphne Campbell, Democrat of Miami. She introduced HB 7131 which repeals a requirement that employers provide seats for employees who walk or work standing up during their breaks. Because, you know, God forbid those people get to sit down for 15 minutes twice a day.

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And The Hits Just Keep Coming

I had occasion to hear the Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus several times when I lived in Dayton. In fact, it seemed their Christmas Concert and that of the Cincinnati Gay Men’s Chorus were often the same weekend, so I’d do Cincinnati Saturday evening, and then go to Columbus for their Sunday afternoon concert. Both were excellent choruses, and they both had very different styles, so it was a great fun. Here the Columbus Chorus provides a youtube for the “It Gets Better Project” with the Columbus Youth Choir. I’ll just let the music speak for itself.

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Admin Council Member Says Stating We Treat Everyone Equally Might Be Divisive

I returned once again to the Administrative Council at my church to ask them to pass a resolution adopting a non-discrimination statement. The last time I went in 2008, one of the members, Bill Josey, an attorney, objected because I had included a statement that we would, when reasonable, try to do business only with other organizations that had a similar statement. That was his only objection. I took it out, completely, but guess what, at January’s meeting he had a different objection.

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For What Reason Did the Gentlewoman from California Rise?

Planned Parenthood has long been banned from using federal monies for abortions. But they would have received $330 million through the end of September for preventative-health services, including federal funding for contraception and cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country. But in a vote of 240-185 (with 10 Democrats presumably burnishing their “conservative credentails”) the Congress took aways that funding. But, oh that’s right, we’re a Christian nation, so we can’t provide preventative health services and cancer screenings for the poor and struggling women of this country.

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Thank You Loudoun County, VA

We here in Tampa owe a debt of gratitude to the Sterling District’s representative on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors for his excellent description of Tampa’s annual Gasparilla Festival. Eugene Delaudio probably just upped the attendance at next year’s festival by 30% with his description of the party as … “Word is that Radical Homosexuals have infiltrated as event organizers to promote homosexual events that are designed to prey upon unsuspecting college students by enticing them to join their “krewes” and help build parade floats in exchange for free alcohol.” You gotta read it to believe it.

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