Republican Speeches on Impeachment
Let’s see of these Republicans trot out the same speeches in light of Bu$h’s recent admission that he unconstitutionally had the NSA monitor Americans.
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Let’s see of these Republicans trot out the same speeches in light of Bu$h’s recent admission that he unconstitutionally had the NSA monitor Americans.
Read more“The whole key here is agility,” he said at a White House briefing before Bush’s news conference. According to Hayden, most warrantless surveillance conducted under Bush’s authorization lasts just days or weeks, and requires only the approval of a shift supervisor. Hayden said getting retroactive court approval is inefficient because it “involves marshaling arguments” and “looping paperwork around.”
Read moreThinkProgress has a story that at least two Conservative Constitutional Scholars, Bruce Fein, former Deputy Attorney General under Reagan, and Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute, say that Bush’s authorization of warrant-less wiretaps most likely qualifies as an impeachable offense.
Read moreI sent the following letter to my Congressman:
Read moreI realize the Republicans have raised the art of corruption to new levels, but the fact that Senator Frist is using a charity to take care of his political cronies is, in my opinion, taking things to a whole new level…somewhere that’s about as low as I can imagine.
Read moreLet’s be sure we are totally clear about this warrant-less search issue. The President is not granted this authority as Commander-in-Chief, nor did the resolution permitting action in Afghanistan or Iraq. Further, they have not prevented any acts of terrorism, and they would not have prevented 9/11 as the V.P. is trying to claim. These actions are direct violations of the 4th amendment, and, the applicable are quite specific that no type of wiretaps are permissible other than those specif iced under the applicable laws. This is a dangerous precedent, and a revelation that rises to the level of an impeachable offense. However, since no apparent sex is involved, Congress will continue to sit on its hands.
Read moreA senior at UMass Dartmouth was visited by federal agents two months ago, after he requested a copy of Mao Tse-Tung’s tome on Communism called “The Little Red Book.”
Read moreJust in time for Christmas, get your GOP-Mart Gift Certificates.
Read moreWhy in recent years have conservative Christians asserted their influence on efforts to relieve Third World debt, AIDS in Africa, strife in Sudan and international sex trafficking — but remained on the sidelines while liberal Christians protest domestic spending cuts?
Read moreThis is what things like the PATRIOT Act have brought us to. Perhaps the Constitution should be moved from the Washington area to a safer location (maybe Canada can hold it for us until our own government is grown up enough to know how to use it safely). Apparently no one in Washington is over 21 years old. Obviously our previous lessons about the dangers of domestic surveillance by government agencies have been forgotten.
Read moreDuring last month?s street riots in France, Fox News ran a banner during a news segment, reading: ?Muslim riots.? Billionaire Saudi Prince al-Walid bin Talal, who owns 5.5% of Fox News, was unhappy with the tagline.
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