Tony Perkins’ Mouth is Moving, So He’s Lying

It pretty much goes without saying that, if Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council (FRC) is talking, he is mostly likely telling a lie. There may be no other group that spends more time perfecting the art of lying for Jesus than the FRC. Having lost the marriage-equality fight, they need a new demon to keep the dollars flowing in (grifters gotta grift), and lying for Jesus pays so well, so Perkins is now after Muslims.

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Scott Lively Loves Him Some Nazis

Scott Lively is an attorney who heads up something called the “Abiding Truth Ministries.” He’s risen to some prominence lately by taking his message of hate and bigotry towards LGBT people international. He found an especially receptive audience in Ugandan government officials, and helped pass anti-gay legislation which called for the death penalty for homosexual acts. His latest screed on World Nut Daily uses the same tired claims.

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