Jesus is Not A Republican

Unfortunately, that’s a statement that will piss of a few people. It’s made by Randall Balmer, is a professor of American religious history at Barnard College. In an essay from his book, Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America: An Evangelical’s Lament, Balmer talks about how, “The leaders of the religious right have led their sheep astray from the gospel of Jesus Christ to the false gospel of neoconservative ideology and into the maw of the Republican Party.”

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I Have The Answer – Disproving Intelligent Design

I don’t know how it occurred to me, but I think I’ve found the answer to completely disspell the myth of Intelligent Design (creationsim). Understand that the raft of scientific evidence supporting evolution has me completely convinced of it’s veracity as a scientific fact. I don’t for a minute believe God created everything in seven days, but it doesn’t hurt my faith one bit. However, we, as member’s of the human race, do test my faith. So consider the theory of creationism from a theological perspective.

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Lutheran Church Denies Services To Transgendered Person

A report from Associated Press says Anoka County officials are refusing to send any more clients to a church that denied day care to a trans-sexual client. The county’s social services department has been sending disabled senior citizens and other vulnerable adults who need care during the day to Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Francis. But the conservative Missouri Synod church turned away a client who had undergone surgery to be changed from a man into a woman. Associate pastor John Maxfield says the man’s decision is “contrary to God’s revealed will”.

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KY University Kicks Gay Student to the Curb

The University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Ky., has kicked out a sophomore because he revealed he was gay on his page, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported. The university has a policy that says, “Any student who engages in or promotes sexual behavior not consistent with Christian principles (including sex outside marriage and homosexuality) may be suspended or asked to withdraw from the University of the Cumberlands.”

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The Brokeback Mountain Battle in the War on Christians

The past year, a “War on Christianity” has been suggested by those imbedded in the rear guard. Just two weeks ago, a conference titled, “War on Christians” was held in Washington, D.C., of course only 300 participants showed up. (Just like Washington…to hold a war without enough troops.) Obviously, there’s a possible difference of opinion on whether or not such a war really exists. But a little focus is never a bad thing when it comes to understanding.

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"Christian Group" Now wants Desperate Housewives Off The Air

The radical religious right group, the American Family Association, has become the book burners of the new century. They don’t simply have a gripe with a few things in our culture, a few companies, a few TV shows. They want America to be forced to live under their warped, minority view of an extremist Biblical lifestyle that doesn’t even comport with the majority of mainstream American Christianity.

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