Family Research Council Apparently Calls for a Draft

We’re going to start keeping a close eye on Tony Perkins, head of the SPLC Designated hate group, Family Research Council (FRC), and friend of White Supremacist, David Duke. Perkins is becoming more and more unhinged as gay rights continue the long arc of history towards full equality, and a black man continues as President. It seems to me Tony’s concerned that we will be drafting women into military service. Since we Don’t currently have a military draft in this country, one can only assume that our good friend Tony here is in favor of re-instituting a military draft.

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Not Christmas Without Some Anti-Gay Hate

The anti-gay rights group, One Million Moms (which only claims a membership of 50,000, but has never bested about 15,000 signatures on any of their frequent petitions), his ho-ho-hoping mad over this completely offensive JCPenney ad, you know, because Ellen Degeneres is in it.

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Sometimes There’s Hope

I am constantly reading and hearing the anti-gay Christianists (the Krazy Kristian Kooks as I like to call them) talking about how the world will end if gay people are given equal rights, and their rights to bully are taken away. Just in the past couple of days, on Janet Medferds talk show she hosted professional gay hater and homophobe (and truly most likely a big queen himself) Peter LaBarbera. After crapping on the TV show “The New Normal” to fill air time, they go off on homosexuals in general with the following exchange:

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Pastor Worley Congregant Fail

Some years back I came across a rather long essay that speaks to what I see so much of evidence of today in regards to gay rights, and right here was a prime example. I wish I could find that essay again. The author looked at all the times throughout history society experienced a great sea-change. The main point was that progress always, ultimately, wins, but as these changes begin, and less-enlightened people begin to the see the change coming, they become scared. People generally don’t like change, and some people just can’t imagine a world different from the one they’ve created (or been told to create). So out of this fear emerges resistance, and this resistance escalates over time as the change becomes more pronounced. It’s the old “wild animal backed into a corner” example.

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The Hate is Just Dripping

Once again we see an example of God’s gentle loving people. What a shamed that this is supposed to be the face of Christianity, and people wonder why younger folks remain spiritual, but are leaving the church in droves. Well, here it is.See what hate hath wrought with Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, North Carolina.

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Sometimes a Lie is Just a Lie

Well, of course the war over writing bigotry and discrimination into the North Carolina Constitution is in full swing. I am sadly disappointed that this is what my home state has come to, but I’m not surprised. I’ve talked to several of the legislators who voted to put this on the ballot, and they absolve themselves by saying, “Well, I just think the people should vote.” But when I ask them why they don’t put every civil right on the ballot, I was called, “absurd.”

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NPR Embraces Hate Groups

Apparently NPR Religion Correspondent, Barbara Bradley-Haggerty, has decided that religious groups which claim to be Christian can’t possibly be hate groups. It also seems she makes decisions about who to interview for stories based on who returns her call the fastest.

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The MOST Persecuted Frank Turek

So now we come to the end of our little journey through the latest creation of Maggie Gallagher. Maggie is the former Board Chair and President of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), but she recently left those posts to create an off-shoot group called the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, because you know, the good Christians like Maggie are being persecuted because they slowing losing their right to discriminate against whole classes of people under the civil laws of this country. Maggie started this group up with a guy named Frank Turek. Frank’s story was one of the first NOM started trotting out to try to show that people who believe in unequal treatment were being treated unequally.

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The Poor Persecuted Ruth Sheldon

Today’s featured guest is Ruth Sheldon, but before we get to Ruth’s story, don’t you just love the intense music NOM uses at the beginning of their videos? Ruth was the Town Clerk for Granby for nearly 16 years. She wants us to be sure we know that she loved the job, but was forced to give it up because of those icky gay people expecting to be treated fairly. She wrote in her resignation letter that “New York State passed the same-sex marriage law, a law which violates my conscience and my faith.”

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The Poor Persecuted Laura Fotusky

Laura Fotusky is another of the town clerks being trotted out by NOM with the claim that she was somehow being persecuted because, God forbid, she might have been expected to carry out her ministerial duties as prescribed by New York State law, and actually treat everyone equally under those laws. Well, we can’t go around having government employees doing that now, can we? Back in July, Laura resigned her position as the Town Clerk of Barker, NY rather than sign marriage licenses for everyone qualified to be married under civil law.

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