No Gun Control Unless You Are Anti-Choice
And here’s one of the latest anti-gun control arguments I was presented with today. Apparently, my opinion on the steps I thought might help reduce the gun carnage in America doesn’t count unless I’m willing to certify that I am against abortion. Are those people fucking serious? I mean did the guy who tried that not have a clue about how easy that would be to stand on its head?
It’s almost not even worth writing about this one as it’s so damned silly, but that’s part of why I wanted to take the time to state the obvious. Obviously, a person who is not interested in reducing the death of school children as a result of gun violence has no moral ground to even claim they are “pro-life,” let alone demand that anyone else certify their beliefs on the topic.
It’s a common argument they try to use in all sorts of situations, but you know they don’t really mean they are “pro-life.” If they were, they’d care children who had actually been born. They’d be sure they were clothed and fed and housed. They’d make sure they could get a solid public education. But it is my experience the ones who screech the loudest against abortion also screech the loudest against the programs that help children.
And most especially, if you are claiming that your right to have as many of whatever type of gun you want supersedes the right to life of school children, you need to just shut up. You have no moral high ground.
And for the record, I don’t know many people who are “pro-abortion.” I know lots of people, myself included, who believe women and their families and doctors are quite capable of making the best decisions for themselves. Most people who are pro-choice wish that abortions were never necessary, but recognize that it can sometimes be a woman’s best choice.

Yeah John, when I think of anti-abortion zealots you’re the first one that comes to mind :)