Guns, Booze, and Tennessee Legislators

Not toolong ago the Teabagger crazy in the Tennessee Legislature decided it would be a good idea to roll back restrictions on where a person shouldn’t carry guns. So Rep. Curry Todd decided it would be a good idea to introduce a law allowing handgun carry permit holders to bring guns into bars. Because, you know, guns and drunks are always a successful combination…if you desire is to clean up the gene pool. Unfortunately, Rep. Todd forgot about another law in Tennessee making it illegal to be in possession of a fireman when intoxicated.

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News for the Week of Nov. 2, 2007

This is the news wrapup for the week ending Friday, November 2, 2007. It includes notes on a beach house fire in Ocean Isle, N.C., the anniversary of the NYC Subway system, A story about a couple both being arrested for drunk driving, and a story about a man being shot by his hunting dog. In Ohio, a gay person is appointed to a judgeship.

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