Breaking Butch on Drainage Problems

I was doing laundry this week, and found that the washer didn’t seem to be spinning the clothes after the wash cycle, and left water in the tank. So I fixed the washing machine. I also had a problem with drainage on the back deck, and I fixed that over several evenings last week, and have the photos detailing that extensive DIY project.

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Sarah Palin's Daughter

I agree with Obama that, generally speaking, families should be off limits. I also agree that things don’t always work out in life like you expect or hope in families. Certainly that’s been true for me and my family in any number of ways. But Sarah Palin has had some things to say about Gay people, so if she’s going to put down my family, she makes her’s a target. So I’ll write this one post about the situation with Palin’s daughter, and then it’s over.

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A Little Religousity Served Up with Your Healthcare

It seems the patients have once again taken over the asylum that is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHS is reviewing a draft regulation that would deny federal funding to any hospital, clinic, health plan or other entity that does not accommodate employees who want to opt out of participating in care that runs counter to their personal convictions, including providing birth-control pills, IUDs and the Plan B emergency contraceptive.

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The Price Paid for Power

John McCain’s military service deserves the thanks and respect of the American people, especially given his time spent as a POW in Vietnam. However, the over-use of this status for political gain becomes laughable after a while. It seems to be used to explain everything. Problem is, according to George Bush and the Military Commisions Act voted for by McCain, the techniques used on McCain while a POW are merely, “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Who wouldda thunk it?

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Now How Does Dobson Handle This One

It’s all that uncommon for me to, as my grandfather might say, let my mouth overload my ass. By that he meant saying things I’d regret later on. While I seem to have a knack for it, James Dobson seems to have perfected the art. To wit, his comments about John McCain from 2000.

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Fox News Pundit Says McCain Has to Bash Gays to Win

From the “comes as no surprise” category, Fox News Pundit Fred Barnes said Sunday that McCain would have to run a center/right (not sure what that actually looks like myself) in order to win the election. This would mean appealing to the far right wingnuts of the party by using the “gays in the military” and “gay marriage” issues. Barnes explicity cites these issues. The left side of the blogosphere is all in an uproar over the comments. I don’t like that this happens to be a true statement, but it is true that McCain will win friends from the krazy kristian kooks by bashing gays. This has been a winning issue for Republicans for a while now.

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Craig and Vitter Sponsor Marriage Protection Amendment

It’s not really surprising to find that a small group of Republican Senators re-introduced the Federal Marriage Amendment to write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution. After all, they are mostly behind in the polls, the base is distraught and disorganized, and even fund raising isn’t going so well. What you might find interesting though, is that two of original 10 sponsors is Larry “wide stance” Craig (R-Idaho) and David “I heart hookers” Vitter (R-LA).

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