More Gun Nut Craziness-A Patron Saint?

There was, in the 19th century, an Italian Monk named Gabriel Possenti. According to a legend, Saint Possenti saved a village from a marauding gang of soldiers by scaring them off with his hand gun prowess. So that was enough for a group of handgun enthusiasts to form the St. Gabriel Possenti Society to lobby to get the Pope to designate St. Possenti as the Patron Saint of handgun enthusiasts.

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Janet Mefferd Wants Right to Not Even Have to See Gay People

You read it right. Radio host Janet Mefferd says that it’s a civil rights violation (the right to freedom of religion) to not even have to “see” gay people. This is how over the top and vitriolic the krazy kristian kooks of the conservative right have become. Last week, a teacher at a school in Indiana decided that if gay and lesbian students were going to get to come to the prom, then there should be a separate prom for the “christian” children (that “c” is intentionally not capitalized). So Mefferd decided she had to weigh in on the topic.

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A landlord should be able to discriminate

According to David E. Smith of the Illinois Family Institute, an anti-gay group claiming to be concerned with protecting heterosexual-only marriage, “A landlord should be able to discriminate and say, Look, I don’t want to rent my apartment out or my condo out to anyone who doesn’t share my values.”

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Family Research Council Apparently Calls for a Draft

We’re going to start keeping a close eye on Tony Perkins, head of the SPLC Designated hate group, Family Research Council (FRC), and friend of White Supremacist, David Duke. Perkins is becoming more and more unhinged as gay rights continue the long arc of history towards full equality, and a black man continues as President. It seems to me Tony’s concerned that we will be drafting women into military service. Since we Don’t currently have a military draft in this country, one can only assume that our good friend Tony here is in favor of re-instituting a military draft.

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Not Christmas Without Some Anti-Gay Hate

The anti-gay rights group, One Million Moms (which only claims a membership of 50,000, but has never bested about 15,000 signatures on any of their frequent petitions), his ho-ho-hoping mad over this completely offensive JCPenney ad, you know, because Ellen Degeneres is in it.

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Perks of Being a Wall Flower – A Movie Review

Based on the novel written by Stephen Chbosky, this is about 15-year-old Charlie (Logan Lerman), an endearing and naive outsider, coping with first love (Emma Watson), the suicide of his best friend, and his own mental illness while struggling to find a group of people with whom he belongs. The introvert freshman is taken under the wings of two seniors, Sam and Patrick, who welcome him to the real world. I love this movie. It’s amazing. It has a great script, great cast, it’s well directed, awesome soundtrack and undeniable strong performances. This is one of the best coming of age movies I’ve ever seen.

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A Bit of Tingle Up the Spine

Yesterday, I had decided to clean out the closet here in the office. I’d let it get totally unorganized, and I had more unneeded crap in there than one can shake a stick at. Don’t ask me why, but I think I had the box from every cell phone I ever owned. As I finally got worked down to the bottom of the closet, on the floor in a back corner was a Target bag. As my good friend Chef Rick would say, “I said to myself; self, what could be in there?”

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Sometimes There’s Hope

I am constantly reading and hearing the anti-gay Christianists (the Krazy Kristian Kooks as I like to call them) talking about how the world will end if gay people are given equal rights, and their rights to bully are taken away. Just in the past couple of days, on Janet Medferds talk show she hosted professional gay hater and homophobe (and truly most likely a big queen himself) Peter LaBarbera. After crapping on the TV show “The New Normal” to fill air time, they go off on homosexuals in general with the following exchange:

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Coming Out of The Closet in Favor of a Marriage Amendment

I just couldn’t resist reposting this. The krazy kristian kooks want to enshrine what they call “biblical” marriage into our Constitution. Well, so long as it goes with their inerant Bible, I’m OK with it. Vote ahead. Sometimes people just need to stop and think, and read what they believe they are referencing.

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Back with My Thoughts on the Aurora Shooting

Everyone needs to just take a breath, and let’s bring some sanity to the discussion. We all want to know why. We want to understand how this person came to this place. We want to assign some motivation, some identifiable cause. We want to blame someone or something so it will look like we can control these situations. We want these answers because we want to be safe. Blame doesn’t mend the families or even the nation. The answers given so far are little more than bandages that easily fail after just a few dips in reality. Because there isn’t a good answer, we need to just stop and say a prayer for the families and friends of the victims in Aurora and a scared nation.

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