Bob and Henry Married after 64 Years

This is a great Pride Month story. These two Washington, DC residents have lived together for 64 years (they have known each other longer than that). Now, thanks to marriage equality in Washington, they were able to get married last Saturday. As the Rev. John DeTaeye said, “By your actions today you remind us that God is love, and love is for everyone.”

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BP Off the Hook for Oil Spill-WorldNet Daily Says it was God

Yes, that’s right folks. I knew it would be just a matter of time, but the tea bagger crazies are now claiming the oil spill in the Gulf was caused by God. So why would you say God would blow up an oil drilling platform off the Louisiana coast? Well, Katrina was because of those devil worshiping, gays down in New Orleans, so you might think this was because the people down there keep electing prostitution supporter, diaper wearing David Vitter, but you would be wrong. Turns out, it’s all Obama’s fault.

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A Discussions of Pauls Letter to the Romans as Concerns Homosexuality

So, what is going on and who is being spoken to and about in Romans 1? The book was written as a letter by Paul somewhere between 54 to 58 AD while he was living in Corinth. It was carried by Priscilla to the church in Rome; Paul would not even visit Rome himself for another five years. The letter was written about twenty five years after the death of Jesus.

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Say It To My Face Orrin Hatch

Here’s the first in a brand new series here at Deep Something. I’m sick and tired of hearing the Republicans and krazy kristian kooks like the American Family Association and Tony Perkins and many others just make shit up about gay people and the issues faced by LGBT people in this country (and around the world). They do it because they get to try to hide behind press releases, podiums, security and websites. So I’ve decided to call them out. I’m going to find a number and do my best to get through to them or their staff person, and I intend to respectfully and thoughtfully challenge them to say it to my face (or at least over the phone).

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Rush Tells Hungry Kids To Go Dumpster Diving

Rush on his show getting bent out of shape about the fact that 16 million children will go hungry this summer without their school lunch. Since he can’t miss a chance to slam any Obama, he proceeds to say that since Michele Obama thinks kids are too fat, maybe it would be good for these kids to go hungry all summer. Yes, he suggests they go dumpster diving. The irony of someone Rush’s size suggesting it would be good for fat children to go hungry all summer pales with the knowledge that Rush himself has fed at the public trough. Yes friends, there was a time when Rush was out of work and using food stamps and unemployment checks to sustain himself.

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What Do You Think I Fought For at Omaha Beach?

Last Fall, during the unfortunately successful campaign to repeal Marriage Equality in Maine, 86 year old WWII Veteran Phillip Spooner stood before a packed hall and delivered a stirring call for equality to a Senate Committee. When asked by a woman at his polling place if he supported equal rights for gay and lesbian people. He tells how surprised he was to even be asked, and said his response was, “What do you think I fought for at Omaha Beach?” His statement was subsequently set to music by Melissa Dunphy, and was selected as the winning work for the 2010 Simon Carrington Chamber Singers Composition Competition.

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DADT Letter to Rep. Todd Akin (R-MI)

This is a letter written to Republican House Member Todd Akin in response to remarks he made today in a floor speech concern the possible repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Funny thing, we owe our victory over the British to a Gay General, and Akin wants to invoke Washington and what he would think.

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Scaring People to Christianity

Easter Sunday afternoon me and Lay went to his parent’s farm down in Ruskin to hide Easter eggs and eat. At one point, I was running to a nearby Walgreens to pickup a couple of items. I was stopped at the traffic waiting to turn in and noticed a young man on the corner holding a large sign and his Bible. I felt sorry for him, because the picture was one of an angry God, and I have trouble with that image, but it’s an image held by too many on the religious right.

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Keep America Beautiful

Over at One News Now (an ultra-conservative non-news outlet), they published another story this week trying to refute the idea of Global Warming, with what may be the most absurd argument yet. Christians are called to believe that the earth is the creation of God and is a gift given to humans for our care and nurturing. I believe that responsible Christians are especially called on to protect the environment and all in it. So why have so many so-called Christian Leaders and Organizations seen fit to argue over the nuances of data collection instead of concerning themselves with the deterioration of the environment and the ever increasing cost of energy? To whom are they beholding?

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